WAVESPEC generates 200 Fourier frequency coefficients of a specified repetitive waveform via a time-to-frequency transform. It models a waveform current source having a peak of 1 Ampere, primarily to generate waveform files for use with the LINEA Linear INteractive Electronic Analysis program. Waveform may be a single repetitive pulse having separate rise, fall, and top-width times; repetitive waveform described by amplitude at equal time increments; or, repetitive waveform described by amplitude at specified time increments. Amplitude is always between zero and unity. An amplitude- modulated RF source of +/- 99 sideband components may be simulated by specifying an RF carrier frequency. --- All numerical entries may use conventional format or with Scaling letter suffixes from Tera to femto. Scaling letters _must_ obey case, upper-case from Kilo to Tera, lower-case from milli to femto. All other entries may be may be either case; UPPER case shown here for emphasis only. K = Kilo = 1E+3 M = Mega = 1E+6 G = Giga = 1E+9 T = Tera = 1E+12 m = milli = 1E-3 u = micro = 1E-6 n = nano = 1E-9 p = pico = 1E-12 f = femto = 1E-15 Note: Lower-case "u" substitutes for Greek letter µ. No Function, Control, or Alternate keys are used with WAVESPEC 1/4 --- MAIN COMMANDS -------------------------------------------------------- EXI EX X QUI QU Q = Exit WAVESPEC immediately HEL HE ? = This Help display ===Output TYPE=== ===Output FORMAT=== TIM TI T Time PRI PR P Print (tabulate) SPE SP S Spectrum PLO PL = Plot character-graph ENV EN E Envelope === Waveform Description === EQU EQ U Begin Equal-time-increment amplitude entry IND IN I Begin Individual-time-increment amplitude entry PUL PU ! Describe simple Pulse waveform RFC RF Set RF carrier frequency CLE CL # Clear coefficients, reset coefficient maximum to 200, Video mode === Auxilliary Functions === ON ( Enable printer port; Main prompt changes to "Wave->" OFF OF ) Disable printer port; Main prompt changes to "WAVE*>" WRI WR W Write waveform data to disk file GET GE G Get (Read) waveform data from disk file NAM NA N Change current file Name for Read or Write DIR DI & Set Drive:\Directory for waveform data files; default is same DRI DR & drive and directory as WAVESPEC program. DOS DO \ Shell to DOS 2/4 --- WAVEFORM TYPES and DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------- ALL Types: Specify repetition period. PULse: Enter rise time, top-width (_not_ 50% width), fall time; peak current taken as unity. EQUal-time-increment: Enter time increment once. At each time increment prompt, enter amplitude, 0 to 1, positive quantity. A negative entry entry is interpreted as the number of increments to be repeated at the last-entered amplitude. All entries automatically stop if the total of all increments reach repetition period. INDividual-time-increment: Enter time within period, amplitude (0 to 1, positive quantity). A negative time entry is interpreted as cancellation of description. All times within period _must_ be consecutive. Exceeding period time may cancel description. RF Carrier: Zero frequency entry specifies Video waveform (default). Non-zero frequency entry automatically changes coefficient set to 99 sidebands, symmetric on either side of carrier, equivalent to 100% amplitude modulation. Carrier must be a minimum of 100 times repetition frequency. Any of the three waveform descriptions. To view descriptions, enter viewing time period as "TIMe <min,max,delta>" at at Main Command, then "TIM <format>" at Main, where <format> is either PRInt (tabulation) or PLOt (character-formed graph plot). 3/4 --- WAVEFORM SHAPE and COEFFICIENT OUTPUTS ------------------------------- All waveshapes may be viewed directly as frequency-to-time reconstructions or in their coefficient form, printed (tabulated) or plotted (character point equivalents). Enter Type <space> Format or Format <space> Type or use any of the following 3-letter acronyms: PRT Print Time PRS Print Spectrum PRE Print Envelope (of RF) PLT Plot Time PLS Plot Spectrum PLE Plot Envelope (of RF) Outputs are to screen if printer port is OFF, to printer only if printer port is ON. Printer port is that set up by DOS. Prompts, commands, and messages go to screen only. Main command prompt switches from "WAVE*>" to "Wave->" when printer port is ON. --- SAVING/RETRIEVING WAVEFORM DATA -------------------------------------- Each waveshape may be saved to disk with WRIte <space> <filename> where <filename> is 8 characters maximum. WAVESPEC attaches file extension of .LWC to Written files, GETs only files with .LWC extension. LINEA will assume all files with .LWC extension are waveform data files. Reads and Writes are default to same drive:\directory as WAVESPEC. DRI or DIR commands (equal) allow changing to another drive:\directory for .LWC files only. 4/4